
Toivo Kuula

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Violin Sonata in e minor, Op.1

Toivo Kuula (1883-1918) was born in the Finnish town of Vaasa, then part of the Russian empire, at that time known as the Grand Duchy of Finland. As a boy, he studied the violin and took singing lessons. Subsequently, he studied composition with Martin Wegelius Sibelius' first teacher and then later Marco Enrico Bossi in Italy, then Hans Sitt at the Leipzig Conservatory and Marcel Labey in Paris. Though primarily known for his songs and choral works, he wrote several pieces for violin and piano as well as this piano trio which dates from 1909 at which time he was studying with Sibelius.


The Violin Sonata in e minor, though published at Op.1 was hardly his first work. It dates from 1907.  It was published by the firm of R.E. Westerlund and K.Z. Fazer. It is in three movements. The big, powerful opening Allegro agitato is not only agitated as the movement title suggests, but also stunningly dramatic and very lyrical. The middle movement, Adagio, is by turns mystical and then sad, shepherd's plaint. The finale, Allegro molto, starts off in genial fashion but is quickly interrupted by electrifying bursts of energy which evenually lead to a lyrical and romantic main subject. As the movement progresses a tapesry of many moods is placed before the listener in this extraordinary finale.


Our new edition is based on the Westerlund-Fazer original. This magnificent sonata would make a lasting impression if brought into the recital hall.


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