
Charles Dancla


Andante Melodique for Piano Trio, Op.214

Charles Dancla (1817-1907) was born in the French town of Bagneres de Bagorre. He was recognized as a child prodegy and was sent to the Paris Conservatory where he studied violin with Pierre Baillot and composition with Fromental Halevy. He pursed a career as performer, composer and teacher, serving for decades as the concertmaster of the Paris Opera Orchestra and as a Professor of Violin at the Paris Conservatory. He was a prolific composer and was especially interested in chamber music, writing at least sixteen string quartets, several piano trios and many other chamber works.

His Andante Melodique was published in 1901 but we believe it was composed several years before that. It is a lovely work which makes for a short program entry or encore.

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