
Feodor Akimenko

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Soundbite 4th Movt

String Trio in c minor, Op.7

Feodor Akimenko (also Theodor and Yakimenko 1876-1945) was born in the village of Pisky near the city of Kharkov in the Ukraine. He was educated at the St. Petersburg Conservatory where he studied with piano with Balakirev and composition with Rimsky-Korsakov and Liadov. After graduating, he first taught at the Imperial Chapel in St Petersburg and then held teaching positions Tbilisi, Nice, Kharkov, and Prague. He eventually emigrated to France and spent the last 20 years of his life in Paris and Nice. Stravinsky was among his many composition students. His music shows the influence of the French impressionists.


His String Trio in c minor was composed in 1899 and published the following year. It was dedicated to a string trio led by the prominent Russian violinist V.G. Walter. In four movements, the trio begins with a substantial Andante introduction which eventually leads to the main section Allegro non troppo. The independent movement of the voices is remarkable. The music does not sound at all Russian but more Central European with vague hints of French Impressionism. The Adagio molto which follows has a mildly sad and diffident feel. The part-writing is quite intricate with each voice given episodes where it leads. The charming third movement, Allegretto tranquillo-Tempo di Menuetto, by contrast to the preceding two movements, is brighter and more upbeat. And it does sound like it was written by a French Impressionist rather than a Russian just out of the Petersburg Conservatory. The very impressive finale is a theme at a set of four impressive variations. The vaguely Hungarian sounding theme, Andante semplice, is sad and lyrical. In the marvelous first variation, Pochissimo piu mosso, the viola is allowed to lead. An Allegretto moderato e risoluto follows. The final variation leads to an exciting coda.


This trio is a work of the first order. It requires players of a professional standard and certainly belongs in the concert hall. It is a pity that it has not been unavailable for many years and there had little chance to become well-known. It deserves to be and we are pleased to make it available and hopefully remedy this situation.


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